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Zurück board in cassette   cassette with CMP03 sensor  
cassette with CMP03 sensor

Beschreibung: The sensor board in the cassette with compass sensor but without the transparent lid and LCD
Hinzugefügt am: 22.06.08 14:52
Konstrukteur: Ad van der Weiden
Fotograf: Ad van der Weiden
Hinzugefügt von: Ad

Autor: Kommentar:
21.05.09 20:09
Hi Ad,

I missed this here somehow :(
Can you get the sensor values via RoboPro if used as an Robo extension module? Sounds very interesting!

23.05.09 20:33
Hi Schnaggels,

It's a long time since I did this and I never really finished it. It works just like an IO extension from Thkais with the difference that it can behave as 1, 2 or 3 IO extenstions. For RoboPro it makes no difference, it sees 8 digital inputs and 3 analog inputs. It is user configurable what these data contain. I paused this project because I could not reliably compute speed and distance from acceleration. Once I have good odometry I will continue again. If you're interested I will share the code.
