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Advent Lighthouse

Beschreibung: This is a (admitedly sad) lighthouse for an advent calendar.
Hinzugefügt am: 17.12.10 18:09
Konstrukteur: Richard Mussler-Wright
Fotograf: Richard Mussler-Wright
Hinzugefügt von: ft_idaho

Autor: Kommentar:
20.12.10 18:07
Do you don´t think that this is a bit too simple ?! /
Findest du nicht dass das ein bisschen zu einfach ist ?!
22.12.10 00:26
Perhaps. On one hand I like having 24 tiny models with less than 20 components. On the other, you can create fairly complicated scenes or devices. In this case, just seeing what I can do under the tight deadline. Thanks! -r