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Zurück Component side of the PCB   Solder side of the PCB   Back side of the LCD weiter
Solder side of the PCB

Beschreibung: The white component in the middle is the foil connector to the LCD. It has 2 rows and a funny pitch (the 11 pins of one row span 9 rows of the PCB), hence we need a lot of 'Freiluftverdrahtung'.
Hinzugefügt am: 23.01.09 08:29
Konstrukteur: Ad van der Weiden
Fotograf: Ad van der Weiden
Hinzugefügt von: Ad

Autor: Kommentar:
Mr Smith
06.03.09 19:22
The connections at the foil connector in the center are really confusing me.
Do you have any circiut layer, as example with eagle?