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The circuit diagram

Beschreibung: The LCD connects directly to the RI bus. The step-up converter is a standard application of the MC34063 which is also used in the Pollin demo kit. This kit costs €2,95 (Best. Nr. 120 487) and contains all components for the converter, the LCD connector and more. A separate connector costs €0,75 (Best. Nr. 450 975) and the LCD itself costs only €4,95 (Best.Nr. 120 345). This makes it the cheapest graphic LCD interface ever with a resolution of 240x64 pixels. All you need besides this is a piece of PCB and the two busconnectors to the RI. Total cost will be between 10 and 15 Euro.
Hinzugefügt am: 23.01.09 08:29
Konstrukteur: Ad van der Weiden
Fotograf: Ad van der Weiden
Hinzugefügt von: Ad

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