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Zurück Work in Progress, project is now in production stadium ;-)   All items of the project!   Ultraschall-Entfernungsmesser R. Budding (NL) weiter
All items of the project!

Beschreibung: Waiting for the PCB's, later this week all boxes will be assembled.
Hinzugefügt am: 04.09.06 21:30
Konstrukteur: Richard R. Budding
Fotograf: Richard R. Budding
Hinzugefügt von: rbudding

Autor: Kommentar:
04.09.06 22:48

Why do you prefer an ultra sonic sensor, and not not infra red ?

What advantage/vorteil has ultra sonic compare to infra-red ?
(I am a civil engineer, not an electronic-expert)


Peter Damen
Poederoyen, Holland
07.09.06 22:22
With this sensor you are measuring the distance between 20cm and 3 meter.

the output is linear from 0..6Volt, so 2 volt per meter.