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Distance Sensor PCB top. Final version 20 aug 2006

Beschreibung: The print layout is lacking one connection. Due to the amount of space. the connector on top of this print is connecting the actual sensor.
Hinzugefügt am: 21.08.06 17:41
Konstrukteur: Richard R. Budding
Fotograf: Richard R. Budding
Hinzugefügt von: rbudding

Autor: Kommentar:
22.08.06 11:13
I'm not going to use this schematics in the next weeks or so, but if I were, I'd really appreciate to have this file in either GIF or Eagle format, or something similar at least. There are scanning artefacts as well as JPEG artefacts on the schematics, which makes it difficult or even impossible to use this file directly for printing the circuit board.

If you have a copy of this schematics in a more machine-readable format, please let us know. We'll see if we can integrate this into the image pool.

Thanks in advance!
22.08.06 14:54

The design of the PCB is fertig. Finally.
Now I have asked for an calculation of the print production, wit other word how much for 30 prints, two sided including silk screen print.
Keep you posted concerning the price. As you can see it has been created with professional software, Ultiboard. This format can be sent directly to a pcb company...
23.08.06 09:14
my estimate of 20 euro is probably to much.
Today I will receive some pricing, hopefully!
23.08.06 09:38
Gets better and better :)
25.08.06 14:36

The print including silk en shipment is apprx 10 euro from NL to Germany.

I have ordered 50 pieces. 12 are sold on the 25thh of august.

the components are to be determined....

I will try to post a film on this site this weekend.


04.09.06 22:48

Why do you prefer an ultra sonic sensor, and not not infra red ?

What advantage/vorteil has ultra sonic compare to infra-red ?
(I am a civil engineer, not an electronic-expert)


Peter Damen
Poederoyen, Holland