ftCommunity | Bilderpool | Treffen, Ausstellungen, Veranstaltungen | Hoofddorp 2010 Fischertechnikclub NL | Multible TX-es | Detail of the first frame (req. ext4)

Zurück Logic analyser trace of the RS485 communication between a Master and 5 Slaves   Detail of the first frame (req. ext4)   Detail of the frame following a cycle of all extensions (again req. ext4) weiter
Detail of the first frame (req. ext4)

Beschreibung: The protocol is disclosed in the documentation of the FtMscLib on the ft website.
The 5th nyte indicates that it is a message from the Master and the 9th byte indicates that it is destined for Ext.4.
Also visisble are the TransactionID (bytes 13-14) and the SessionID (bytes 15-16).
Byte 17 reveals that it concerns an output command / input request.
Hinzugefügt am: 21.03.10 18:38
Hinzugefügt von: Ad

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