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Beschreibung: What's next after balancing in one dimension? Balancing in two, on a ball! This is work in progress. Right now it can stand upright (sort of) and maintain direction, but not very elegantly yet. More tuning needed. I will publish more details when it's doing better. Preliminary video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9xvWE6e5_I
Hinzugefügt am: 12.05.13 16:50
Konstrukteur: Willem Evert Nijenhuis
Fotograf: Willem Evert Nijenhuis
Hinzugefügt von: winijenh

Autor: Kommentar:
Stefan Falk
12.05.13 18:42
Wow! All this is very professional work. My respect for all the knowledge you put in and congratulations for the success. Btw, I don't find the motor section ugly. This is just well done and looks quite robust!

Best Regards,
12.05.13 19:50
Hallo Willem Evert,

Hut ab !

I have seen your demonstration of your first robot in Schoonhoven in November 2012, but I realise now there is plenty much C-programing behind it.
I think this wound be possible in RoboPro ?


Poederoyen NL
12.05.13 20:59
RoboPro is pretty slow compared to C, especially for floating point calculations, but with some compromise it may be possible to write a RoboPro program that does simple balancing. I've written RoboPro sub-programs for a 2-dimensional Kalman filter that seem to work fine. Not sure how difficult it would be to get the timing right. Timing is critical as you're doing integration over time (from gyro-measured rotational speed to angles).

Willem Evert.
14.08.15 16:58
Is there som progress ?